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Career Change

Finding your groove in college as an adult student

Returning to school as an adult student can be challenging. An educational counselor shares tips to help you through the process.

Networking key to successful job search

Read our career and education counselor talk about tips on how to make networking a part of your routine and a key part of your job search.

Lifelong learning essential in today’s workforce

Read suggestions from our career and educational counselor on how to be a lifelong learner — and why it can help your career.

Turn college rejection into opportunity

A college rejection can sting, but there is more than one way to reach your academic goals.

Making the decision to apply for a job, pandemic edition

A UW–Madison career counselor offers time-tested and new tips for applying for a job during COVID.

Making the most of a bridge job in your professional journey

A career counselor explains the reasons to consider a bridge job and how you know when it’s time to move on.

Use this challenging time to reflect on career goals

I recently met with a client who was considering a career change in response to some health concerns. She had already taken a few steps…

Find ways to create opportunities during pandemic

Seven tips for creating career opportunities during challenging times.

Career stalled? What to do next

A career counselor explains how to find new motivation in your work and keep your career moving forward.

Is moving into management right for you?

A career counselor explores motivations for a move into management and if it’s right for you.

Adult students inspire with their aspirations and achievements

UW-Madison’s outstanding adult students were honored with scholarships and awards at a ceremony on April 23, 2019. Their stories of resilience and determination are the embodiment of the Wisconsin Idea.