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Badger Ready

Badger Ready grad prepares to take on the state capitol

Jason Glomp plans to use his degree in political science and certificate in public policy to support workers, labor unions and nonprofits.

Student’s remarkable journey to starting his undergraduate degree at age 28, living his dream

In his village of Koumea in Togo, Africa, 8-year-old Hezouwe Walada watched nearly half of his community—including three of his young cousins—die of malaria in early 2000. He decided then and there he wanted to become a doctor. After 20 years, nearly 6,000 miles and a host of trials and tribulations, Walada started at the University of Wisconsin–Madison through the Odyssey Project.

Odyssey Project, Badger Ready help local dad resume dream of earning a bachelor’s degree

Two UW–Madison programs—the Odyssey Project and Badger Ready—have helped a local dad discover his potential and resume his journey to a bachelor’s degree.