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Summer Term

Experience the vibrancy of summer learning at UW–Madison. Explore in-person and online courses, programs and experiences to advance your academic goals.

Who we are

Our team of administrators, program managers and event coordinators is responsible for the planning, coordination and delivery of undergraduate courses offered by UW–Madison from May to August. Today, there are more than 1,000 courses, both on campus and online, being offered during Summer Term. In addition to UW–Madison students, our programs serve visiting, transfer, international and high school students.

What we do

  • Partner with university schools and colleges to build summer offerings
  • Create new programs and communicate relevant Summer Term information to students, faculty and staff
  • Help students access the classes they want and need in summer to meet degree requirements
  • Manage multiple early-start programs for incoming students


Aphra Mednick
Associate Dean
[email protected]

Our team

Mee Her

Assistant Director International Student Programs

Keri Johnson

Assistant Dean and Director

Aphra Mednick

Associate Dean

Tracy Spraetz

Summer Academic Program Manager

Payton Welling

Summer Special Project Coordinator

Read UW—Madison Summer Term Stories

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