Welcome to Summer Term 2019
Say hello to Summer Term 2019! With over 1,000 courses, an ice cream social, study parties, and much more, it’s shaping up to be one of the best summers yet. Here are a few highlights to look forward to this year.
Study parties
Get motivated to hit the books at these campus gatherings featuring coffee and snacks. Some will also have a Writing Center tutor on hand. They’re a great place to meet up with your study group, receive feedback on a term paper, or fuel up for a rendezvous with your course readings.
The first two parties are Tuesday, July 16 (Memorial Union, Lakeview Lounge, 9am-noon), and Thursday, July 18 (Educational Sciences, 13th-floor study room, 9am-noon). Details about additional study parties will be announced on the Summer Term website.

Ice cream social
Speaking of fueling up, this event is your chance to nab a free scoop of Babcock Dairy’s claim to fame. Come mingle with classmates, professors, and maybe even Bucky Badger on the Memorial Union Terrace Tuesday, July 9, from noon to 1:30pm. There will be several flavors to choose from.
Helpful tips on Instagram
Follow the Summer Term Instagram account (@UWSummer) for details about fun and free (or nearly free) events happening around Madison this summer. It’s also the place for Badger-riffic photos and words of encouragement.

New courses and certificates
A variety of new learning opportunities debut this summer. These include a sports communication certificate, a new design-thinking course that meets at a makerspace, and an introductory finance course for visiting international students.
More online courses
Did you know that Summer Term offers more than 100 online courses you can take from anywhere in the world? By learning online, you can work, intern, or travel while making progress toward your degree.
This summer marks the arrival of several online courses in the Wisconsin School of Business, including Introductory Business Law, Marketing Management, and Fundraising and Development.

Wisconsin Experience Summer Launch
This new online program is a way for incoming students to start their scholarly careers early. Participants choose from a selection of popular courses that fulfill requirements such as Ethnic Studies and Comm A. In addition to earning five credits and building an academic foundation, they cultivate a network of friends and resources they can expand on campus in the fall.
Wisconsin Experience Summer Launch is one of several innovative early-start programs, including the International Student Summer Institute (ISSI) and the College of Agricultural & Life Sciences QuickStart program.
Summer Term’s first session begins May 20, but it’s not too late to enroll in summer courses. Open the Student Center module in My UW to start the process.
Published on May 20 2019
Last Updated on Oct 24 2024
Categories: Summer Term
Tags: courses, design thinking, events, ice cream, international, online, social media, student life, summer, unforgettable experiences