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Lifelong Learner column

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Help is available for students with disabilities

Returning to college as an adult can be challenging, particularly if you have a disability. Student services staff offer a few tips for finding resources and accommodations to support your academic journey.

Networking key to successful job search

Read our career and education counselor talk about tips on how to make networking a part of your routine and a key part of your job search.

Adult students celebrate their accomplishments at in-person event

On April 26, friends and families of adult students at UW–Madison gathered at the Adult Career and Special Student Services award ceremony to celebrate the accomplishments, perseverance and hard work of these extraordinary learners.

Transferring to a 4-year school may be worth it

Earning a bachelor’s degree can boost your career — and your salary. Here are six tips for transferring to a 4-year school after earning your associate degree.

Lifelong learning essential in today’s workforce

Read suggestions from our career and educational counselor on how to be a lifelong learner — and why it can help your career.

Taking a break from school can prove beneficial

There are many good reasons students choose to take time away from college. UW–Madison student Annie Lewis shares her story.

A latino man smiling at the camera. Cultivating college knowledge for first-generation adult students

One of our academic advisors provides advice and support for first-generation returning adult college students in this column published in the Wisconsin State Journal.

Myths persist about getting an online degree

Four common myths about earning your college degree online — and what you should know instead.

Quiz yourself on lifelong learning

Ready to test your knowledge on continuing education? We’ve compiled a set of questions from our 2021 Wisconsin State Journal columns. Enjoy this quiz put together by one of our educational counselors.

Benefits abound for veterans hoping to enroll

UW–Madison’s Director of University Veteran Services, Joe Rassmussen, shares insights about federal and state education benefits available to veterans.

College funding for older adult students

Learn some tips — like how to find funding sources — from one of our student services coordinators on how to fund your return to college as an adult student.

Manage expectations when returning to school

Tips on setting priorities, communicating needs and maintaining your well-being.

Set yourself up for a successful school year by leveraging school resources

As the school year commences, be prepared to reach out and ask your school for help when it comes to your academics, health and financial well-being.

Turn college rejection into opportunity

A college rejection can sting, but there is more than one way to reach your academic goals.

Plan now for return to school in fall as adult student

Read about some actions you can take during summer downtime to prepare for fall applications and enrollment in your continuing education.

Seek clarity on remote work in a job search

Tips for job seekers on balancing issues of personal health and safety with employer expectations for remote or in-person work.

Do you need a degree? Consider other educational options

Read about a variety of beneficial educational options outside of getting a degree, by our student services coordinator Ace Hilliard.

Try this self-audit before returning to college

Before you jump back into a degree or training program, help set yourself up for success by conducting this three-part education audit.

Overcoming barriers of going back to school

Our student services coordinator Anne Niendorf shared her journey to getting a college degree, along with tips on being a returning adult student, with the Wisconsin State Journal. Get inspired by her story!

Help for adult students returning to college

Our new column, published monthly in the Wisconsin State Journal, shares opportunities, resources and tips for returning adult students.

9 online classes to help you keep on learning in 2021

UW–Madison Continuing Education classes can help you keep on learning online from the safety of home.

Making the decision to apply for a job, pandemic edition

A UW–Madison career counselor offers time-tested and new tips for applying for a job during COVID.

Making the most of a bridge job in your professional journey

A career counselor explains the reasons to consider a bridge job and how you know when it’s time to move on.