Advising & Admissions
Mia Greene
Prison Education Initiative, Academic & Career Services Manager
Stacy Iruk
Academic Advising Manager
Stacy reviews and manages all incoming admission applications for nondegree-seeking students, supports recruitment, and provides customer service to prospective and current students, Division of Continuing Studies staff and the wider community.
Beth Jaggers
Academic Advising Manager
Beth Jaggers admits and advises several populations of pre-baccalaureate students including high school special students (Early College Credit Program), students visiting from other higher education institutions, and Edgewood Collaborative Program students.
Anne Niendorf
Academic Advising Manager
Anne Niendorf assists the guest auditor student populations with admissions, course selection, and enrollment. She also provides management for nontraditional scholarships and continuing education grants.
Karen Ripley
IT Business Analyst
Karen Ripley administers many of ACSSS's processes including administration of the Special student admissions application. She works across the advising front lines teams to ensure the technology and processes are functional, clear, and documented while taking on special projects.
Autumn Sanchez
Academic Advising Manager
Autumn Sanchez is the director for the Badger Ready program. She advises returning adults students and Odyssey Project students. She is also the community outreach liaison and Multicultural Disadvantaged Coordinator for ACSSS.
Sarah Stilp
Assistant Dean, Admissions & Student Services
Sarah Stilp oversees the team providing admission, enrollment, and student services to domestic University Special students. She is also responsible for IT and admissions operations oversight, including SIS (UW-Madison's student database).