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Invigorate your career with an M.S. for Professional Educators

Anders Rempel wanted to boost his leadership skills and enhance his career as a middle school teacher. By enrolling in the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Master of Science for Professional Educators (MSPE), the Manitoba native was able to pursue his goals and fulfill a longtime dream of becoming a Wisconsin Badger.

“Completing the capstone project and achieving a master’s degree through the MSPE program has had an overwhelmingly positive effect on my life as a teacher,” says Rempel. “The expert instruction, cohort collaboration, and practical coursework helped invigorate my career on a day-to-day level in the classroom.”

The Master of Science for Professional Educators allows K-12 teachers to develop their skills as both educators and leaders. The two-year program features face-to-face learning over two summers on the UW-Madison campus, where students can work with classmates and build their professional networks. During the fall and spring semesters, the program moves online for the convenience of practicing teachers.

Lasting effects

Rempel developed a special interest in positive behavior during his time in the program’s Designing and Managing the Learning Environment course. After learning how clearly defined behavioral expectations could help create a universal language throughout a school, Rempel wanted to bring this type of support to his students and colleagues at Stonybrook Middle School in Manitoba. To do so, he focused on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in his capstone project.

“My project, with a focus on positive behavior, enabled me to effect change at the school level,” says Rempel. “During my second year of MSPE studies I assumed the role of school-wide behavior team leader and initiated the process of implementing PBIS principles at Stonybrook. This work is ongoing and continues to be meaningful.”

Rempel believes the Master of Science for Professional Educators has had lasting effects on his educational career.

“It is gratifying to realize how my career trajectory changed for the better as a result of my studies in Madison.”

For more information on the M.S. for Professional Educators program, see here.