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M.S. in Biotech opens career doors

To advance her career, Amy Hendricksen enrolled in the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Master of Science in Biotechnology Program. It’s a multidisciplinary program geared toward working professionals, including practicing scientists, attorneys, and business people.

Hendricksen’s M.S. paid off when she got a job at the Promega Corporation, a Madison biotech firm.

“The program opened a new career door for me, and I’m really loving my new position,” she says. “It gave me the confidence to speak not only to scientists, but also to business professionals.”

The M.S. in Biotechnology Program focuses on product development and technology-based entrepreneurship, combining the study of science, law, and business. To accommodate those with jobs, it offers classes on evenings and weekends. Instructors include UW-Madison faculty and leaders in the biotechnology field from private industry in the Madison region.

“I think the strengths of the program are the key opinion leaders and industry leaders who can come in and give us real-life examples of what worked and what didn’t work,” Hendricksen says.

She also made connections that will help her in the next phase of her career, whatever that turns out to be.

“I met some really great friends in the program who are an important part of my network.”

For more information on UW-Madison’s Master of Science in Biotechnology Program, see here.