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Arlyne Johnson teaches tomorrow’s leaders in Environmental Conservation master’s program

Arlyne Johnson led wildlife research and conservation programs for the Wildlife Conservation Society in Asia and Latin America from 1988 to 2011. Now she’s at Foundations of Success, helping organizations that work on biodiversity conservation projects in Asia, Africa, and North America.

Johnson also teaches Conservation Planning at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Environmental Conservation Professional Master’s Program. The flexible program prepares students for leadership positions in environmental groups, government organizations, and related businesses.

“In my class, students work in teams to prepare a strategic plan for a conservation project or program,” Johnson says. “The types of organizations they might work with range from the International Crane Foundation to U.S. government agencies.”

In the Environmental Conservation Professional Master’s Program, students complete courses on the UW-Madison campus throughout the first summer and fall semesters. The spring courses are delivered online so students can participate from any location. The final semester is a summer leadership experience, which can take place anywhere in the world. It allows students to apply lessons they’ve learned about conservation planning, environmental policy, and sustainable development.

Solving conservation problems                        

Students come to Johnson’s class with a variety of professional experiences. She helps them learn the skills they’ll need to apply for jobs in the environmental conservation field.

“As students work through the program, I can see that they will be leaders in conservation organizations and projects,” she says. “I’ve heard from many of my colleagues in the conservation profession that these are the types of people they’re looking for and are critical for solving conservation problems.”

Learn more about Johnson in the video above. For more information about the Environmental Conservation Professional Master’s Program, see here.