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Part-Time Master of Social Work is challenging, but worth it

Julie Murray enrolled in the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Part-Time Master of Social Work Program because she wanted to work full time while going to school. Managing both parts of her life required hard work, but the program’s flexibility allowed her to pull it off.

“It’s a challenging experience,” Murray says, “but it’s something that will make you a better person once you get there.”

The Part-Time Master of Social Work Program is designed for recent graduates of a social work bachelor’s program; social workers seeking to move into supervisory roles; and those looking for a new career path. It’s a commuter-friendly program that offers Saturday classes at both the UW-Madison and UW-Eau Claire campuses.

Knowledge and experience

Murray highly values the network she cultivated in the Part-Time Master of Social Work Program.

“The cohort you get involved with is phenomenal,” she says. “I have met some incredible people who will be lifelong friends. You are going through the same things, so it is nice to have others there to bounce things off and support you through this entire process. You get people from all walks of life, and you get so much knowledge and experience from them as well as your instructors.”

Though it wasn’t easy, Murray is glad she enrolled in the Part Time Master of Social Work Program.

“It opens up so many opportunities for you as a social worker,” she says. “It broadens you professionally and personally to go through this program.

For more information on the Part-Time Master of Social Work Program, see here.