GRE study guide: Quantitative Reasoning section
The Quantitative Reasoning measure of the GRE is designed to test your mathematical skills, focusing on four major topics: arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis. There are two 35-minute Quantitative Reasoning sections with 20 questions each, ranging from “word problems” to purely mathematical settings. To prepare for this important section, read these tips to master the GRE Quantitative Reasoning section:
Review the official GRE Math Review and GRE Math Conventions. This guide from the creators of the GRE will help you get familiar with the math skills and concepts that are important for solving problems on the GRE.
Review basic GRE math concepts. Brush up on your general math knowledge by using test prep resources like Khan Academy, PrepScholar’s GRE Math Cheat Sheet, and GRE’s PowerPrep software.
Begin doing practice problems. Based on your review of GRE math concepts and adoption of learning strategies, begin doing practice problems. Make sure to stick to your time limits and remember that you can learn from both your correct and incorrect answers. Practice a variety of different question formats, which should include:
- Quantitative comparison
- Multiple choice (one answer choice)
- Multiple choice (one or more answer choices)
- Numeric entry
- Data interpretation
Learning strategies to incorporate
Using strategies can help you to study and answer questions more effectively, allowing you to move through the section faster and earn a better score. Some of these strategies include:
Redo questions you get incorrect. As you’re studying, resolve questions that you get wrong so that you can avoid making the error later on.
Get used to the on-screen calculator. Since the GRE gives you an on-screen calculator instead of a physical calculator, become familiar with the functions on the GRE calculator and how and when to use it.
Pace yourself. Try to stick to a pace so that you don’t run out of time. On average, you’ll have one minute and 45 seconds per question.
Skip difficult sections and return to them later. Doing this will keep you on-pace. Use other strategies if possible when returning to these more difficult questions.
After you’ve reviewed the kinds of questions you’ll be asked, covered the basic math concepts, and used your strategies to complete plenty of practice problems, you are on your way to achieving your target GRE score.
Published on Dec 04 2019
Last Updated on Jul 11 2024
Categories: Professional Degrees & Certificates
Tags: pdc-blog
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